"Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression. - Dr. Hiam Ginnot

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Competent Communicator - EDUC 6165-6

I attend a church within our community.  Having went to a Christian college, and sitting through chapel 5 days a week with guest speakers each day, I have heard A LOT of messages preached.  A person that I believe demonstrates competent communication within a particular field or context is the pastor at the church my husband and I are members of. 

Pastor Ralph Campbell, Senior Pastor at Bethel Assembly of God, speaks with composure and is able to execute his thoughts from the pulpit that many communicators lack the skill in.  He has a strong voice and speaks with authority, before his messages he researches the topic in great length in order to communicate factual support behind his thoughts. 

I would want to model in my own communication behaviors like this because I believe in knowing a topic before you speak on it.  Within the setting of a church, I believe strongly that a person should research, gain knowledge, and speak from the heart.  Conviction on topics should come first within before speaking to urge a church to think about their personal lives; and if a topic is well researched the person doing the research cannot help but feel compelled and challenged in their own lives.  Pastor Ralph speaks with passion and purpose, and I hope when I speak the same is interpreted.

You too can hear Pastor Ralph Campbell speak at:  http://www.seebethel.com/#/media


  1. You had a great example. I also feel it is very important to have a strong base knowledge if you are speaking in front of a group and having conviction about the topic helps others believe in what you are saying. I have found that when I have to train on a topic that I am not completely comfortable with my training my training does not go very well but when I feel very knowledgeable about the topic I feel much more comfortable about the topic and others seem to get more out of it. Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. It is great to have a man of God as an effective communicator. I have visited several churches and I felt that the speaker lacked purpose and power of the sermon. I agree that a pastor needs conviction and many of them now don't seem to have much. I am also thankful for the pastor in my life. His mission is to serve God and guide us. Thanks for sharing
