"Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression. - Dr. Hiam Ginnot

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Resources for Educators in the Early Childhood Field

Story S-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-r-s: Activities to Expand Children's Favorite Books (Pre-K and K)

Our centers use Story stretchers to incorporate books read within the classroom throughout the day's activities thus allowing the children to expand their imagination and see the book in a way that maybe they didn't see it. How fun it is to read and live a book all day long!

Active Learning for Ones (Active Learning Series)

We use Active learning in our Infant and toddler classrooms. This book is a great reference filled with ideas with age appropriate practices! If you have curriculum already in your centers for this age group and a parent is looking for additional items to do at home, this is a great recommendation! Also available for older ages!

Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale

I'm sure everyone is familiar with this rating scale, but just in case! Make sure to check out each age appropriate version!

Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs (N.A.E.Y.C. Series #234)

A lot of us read portions of the journal articles or pieces of this book. This is a great book to have as a quick reference and something to continually look at if you have questions or concerns!


  1. I have never seen the Story Stretchers book, but what a great resource! Sometimes, I find myself stuck after reading to the students thinking of an activity that is age appropriate. I am sure that the Story Stretchers book will have many valuable ways for students to “stretch” their minds with some of their favorite stories.

    Thanks for sharing these resources!

    1. They also have come out with "More Story Stretchers" if you're looking for something with a specific book. But I have found that its one of the favorites our staff use!

  2. Thanks for sharing the above resources. All of them are excellent resources for teachers, administrators and parents.

  3. I had not seen Story Stretchers. Thank you for sharing this is a wonderful tool for teachers.
