"Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression. - Dr. Hiam Ginnot

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Major Contributors to the Educational Field

The Passion for Early Childhood Quotes is a video where five early childhood professionals share their passion, motivation, and commitment. Below are quotes from two of the speakers.

“We really see what a unique opportunity we have working with children . . . we have the opportunity to shape a child’s life for the better” – Sandy Escobido – Deputy Field Director Los Angelos Preschool Advocacy Imitative California Community Foundation

“I see early childhood education, all education really is a civil rights issue” – Renatta M. Cooper – Program Specialist Office of Childcare LA County Chief Administrative Offices

(Virginia) Susan Bredekamp, Ph.D., Childcare sector

Speaking on techniques and strategies for teaching children to read
“The ironic part is that it's not rocket science. It's just a specific set of things that you absolutely have to do. Dramatic play, having favorite books of your own, having them read to you, lap-book reading, books in the home, parents as role models discussing what they read, all these things are absolutely critical. One method is not going to work for all kids. Reading is a complex process that requires a variety of strategies teachers can adapt.

“If the first three years of life are deprived in terms of stimulation and interaction with warm, nurturing human beings, it's going to be real tough for the child to acquire the depth and breadth of verbal language needed to build reading abilities

Lilian Katz, Ph.D., Public Early Childhood Education

“I find that the experience of traveling and working with colleagues in other lands is enlightening, instructive, and enriching—not so much because of what we see, but because what we see makes us think about things that we have not thought about before. Or perhaps it is simply that travel makes us think about something differently from the way we’ve thought about it before”

“What you are speaks more loudly than what you say”


  1. I had the priviledge to listen to and meet Dr. Katz. She is very inspirational. I feel that the quote you used "What you are speaks louder than what you say" is true. I have a hard time listening to people that say one thing and do another.

    Have you ever heard her speak?

    1. I have not heard her speak, would love to maybe one day. I've heard this quote in a few different ways, and totally agree with it.

  2. I really like the last quote by Susan Bredekamp, Ph.D. I think that the first three years of a child's life is extremely critical in that those are the years where children really get the feel of their abilities and what they can do. Whether they mimic a cartoon character or a person in their home.

    I saw this in my own son when I bought "Your Baby Can Read" for him. He was identifying things more and more before he was even able to speak. Now at age 4 1/2, you can get him to be quiet!! He identifies everything and speaks more words than I'd ever though he would.

    1. I have a good friend that did "Your Baby Can Read" program and her daughter has a vocabulary that I don't see 4 year old children with (daughter is 2 1/2). Great program. I only think though that most parents that purchase it do so in an attempt to create "a genius" or "gifted" child.

  3. The quote that you posted from Sandy Escobido, “We really see what a unique opportunity we have working with children . . . we have the opportunity to shape a child’s life for the better.” I think this is a fabulous way to describe professionals who work with children -- teachers, childcare workers, administrators, any individual working within the early childhood field realizes that we do have the opportunity to shape a child’s life for the better. We work each day to do that exact thing. I believe that you need to be optimistic and have the confidence that you will shape a child’s life. Our opportunity in our career is very unique and I feel fortunate to be in the field of early childhood.

  4. Sandy Escobido quote is so true about as educators in the early childhood field, we can shape a child's life for the better. We as teachers, caregivers and mentors need to take this to heart as we teach these young children. We all have such an opportunity to touch a life forever!

  5. Your quote from Sandy Escobido fits hand in hand with a quote I have "They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel."--Carol Buchner It is a privilage to work with children and everything we do will shape them into who they are going to be. It is such a wonderful opprotunity to be apart of that.
